
Hi! I’m Karin

I am currently working as a mobile developer at my own start-up flygge UG. Together with 3 co-founder, we want to make camper life more easy. Until this pays of, I work part-time for Mobisys GmbH as a DevOps Engineer.

My professional background is diverse, but always close to coding. I’ve done a bit of everything, from backend development to mobile apps and devops topics.

I love automation as a way to optimize processes and avoid repetitive work, and working in happy agile teams - where work is a way to design beautiful products that solve a problem, and not a mean by itself.

My strongest skill is my flexibility to switch between the role of a software developer and a coordinator. I try to fill any gap I notice which helps the team to reach the goal.

If you ask the CliftonStrenght 34 profile my five strongest strenght are:

  • Restorative - You are adept at dealing with problems. You are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.

  • Empathy - You can sense other people’s feelings by imagining yourself in others’ lives or situations.

  • Achiever - You work hard and possess a great deal of stamina. You take immense satisfaction in being busy and productive.

  • Learner - You have a great desire to learn and want to continuously improve. The process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites you.

  • Responsibility - You take psychological ownership of what you say you will do. You are committed to stable values such as honesty and loyalty.

I’m interested in any new technology which helps me to build useful products better and faster. If I’m not sitting in front of the MacBook, I go for a ride with my motorbike, traveling with Berry (our Camper ;) ), playing table tennis, learn playing guitar or just enjoy a glas of wine with my husband :)